Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's beginning to look like Christmas....

I'm considering a real tree this year instead of a fake one. However, I'm considered the boy dogs may think its an inside potty place. Has anyone had any luck with a real tree in the presence of dogs?

Here is some of hubby's new yard art...I has bought more than I knew about. My yard is quite jolly these days.


  1. I would not dare put a real tree up with a boy dog unless I had a way to rope it off! Hopefully someone else has better advice! :)

    Love the yard art! Snazzy looking snowman!

    1. LOL! That's my gut feeling too. No real tree....going to go with the fake one. Although can you imagine the blog post that could come from Thumper peeing on the Christmas tree? It would def get some traffic. :)

  2. I haven't put a tree up (fake or otherwise) since we got Georgia and she's a girl. Did your hubby make that snowman? Cool!

    1. He assembled the snow man from mysterious looking bits and pieces in a box. It does look good! I realized I had several typos in the post above...oops.

  3. We put up a real tree and have had no problems with the boys(4yrs old), but they only lift their leg on trees at the park......Oh no I hope they don't start this year. BOL
    Great snowman

    The silvers and more
